The NLT reflects contemporary English usage to help communicate God’s perfect truth! You’re in good hands with the New Living Translation, a fresh and accurate translation that is easy to read. So spend time with Christ’s word today by picking up one of the fine Bibles! 5. This CSB Bible is a reader’s dream! With simple, straightforward language and large print that doesn’t fog up the paper when used, each page of this Bible has been designed to be admired. The extra-large text is also excellent for someone who has difficulties reading smaller fonts. This Bible features a large print size, 16-point type, making it easier for those with impaired vision to read and comprehend. This super giant print reference Bible makes it possible to get greater insight into God’s word and live out His word day after day. With precise translation without compromise, it’s perfect as a go-to resource for understanding scripture better than ever before. The CSB Super Giant Print Reference Bible will always do what it says. Plus, there’s lots of space in the margins for notetaking or highlighting essential passages on the other side of pages!

In addition, the oversized pages make it easy to read for those with impaired vision, meaning you never have to worry about having your notes block the text from readings at church. No one can deny the convenience of devotional reading and personal study when using a bible this size. * As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.